June 30, 2020
‘PRO Series’ liquid cover conserve water, save money
Natural Chemistry PRO Series Liquid Cover, from NC Brands L.P., of Norwalk, Conn., gives pool pros a simple solution for customers who want to extend the swimming season, but may not know that every gallon of 80°F pool water lost to evaporation is the equivalent of losing 8,729 BTUs of energy.
Mono-layer technology of PRO Series Liquid Cover provides an easy and effective way to decrease evaporation and heat loss. It also reduces the need for water adjustments due to loss. This product is perfect to conserve water and save money.
For more information, contact NC Brands L.P., Dept. SI, 40 RichardsAve., Norwalk, CT 06854. Phone 800-753-1233. Online www.naturalchemistry.com.