The Northeast Spa and Pool Association (NESPA) has continued to monitor the situation with the coronavirus (COVID-19) and its impact on the regions it encompasses. They are committed to providing members with the services they need to manage their businesses through these unusual times. The following is the status for pool industry professionals by state.
Connecticut: Connecticut entered Phase 2 of its reopening on June 17th. While construction, service and essential retail has been open during the last few months, Phase 1 allowed for nonessential retail and offices to reopen and Phase 2 allows for commercial pools to be open. Phase 3 was expected to start mid-July with more details to come.
New Jersey: New Jersey is currently in Phase 2 of its reopening. Businesses must follow state-specific safety guidelines for operation.
New York: Regions within the State could be at different phases in reopening.
Pennsylvania: Counties within the State are at different phases of reopening.