There are several online courses necessary to remain up to date on the latest Texas pool industry legislation.
Educational Leverage president Kevin Tucker makes it easier to take and pass the licensure exams. These courses are now available as webinars.
RAIL Workshop
Currently, the Texas Residential Appliance Installer License (often called the RAIL or TRAIL license) is required for all pool and spa service people who are replacing or repairing swimming pool and spa electrical equipment in Texas.
This one-day workshop was created to help service people pass the exam. The workshop is live, so attendees can ask questions during class.
The course does not teach how to repair or service swimming pool electrical equipment. For training related to pool equipment maintenance, repair and service, technicians should consult specific equipment manufacturers.
According to Tucker many experienced and well-trained pool service people found it difficult to pass the Texas State RAIL exam. The pass rate for this exam is about 28%.
But if you have been replacing pumps since 2009 without a license, you are not only subject to fines of $2000-$5000 per incident, you can also be requested to produce records for the last 4 years.
The workshop is $450 and includes a copy of the 2017 NEC Code book, study questions and other materials to prepare service pros for the intensive study necessary to pass the TRAIL.
The last classes using the 2017 NEC Code Book will be in September 2020. Beginning late October, 2020, Tucker will teach with updated materials for the 2020 NEC Codebook.
Upcoming workshops will be conducted on September 10 and October 29. Registration is available at www.
ISPSC Workshop
On September 1, 2020, Texas House Bill 2858, will go into effect for municipalities that adopt that International Swimming Pool and Spa Code (ISPSC) for municipalities regulating pools or spas.
This legislation applies to service, remodeling and new pool construction.
For pool builders, this means changes in plan reviews and inspector questions. Pool service professionals will be required to comply with the new code for repairs, including sizing the pump for the maximum main drain flow.
For both builders, remodelers and service professionals, plan review may now require a new checklist, total dynamic head and flow calculations and additional drawings.
Pool professionals can get ready for these important changes by enrolling in a 3 to 4-hour webinar hosted by Educational Leverage.
This ISPSC webinar teaches the 2018 ISPSC Code and includes a reference book. The course will focus on flowsheets to calculate the proper pipe size and flow.
For pool service and maintenance, the course, books and materials is $200; for pool builders and remodelers it is $250.
Upcoming webinar dates for pool builder are September 11, September 17, and September 23.
Webinars for pool service and maintenance are September 2, September 15 and September 24. Registration is available at www.educational-leverage. com.
Certified Pool Operator
The Certified Pool/Spa Operator
certification program has been educating pool professionals since 1972. The program has provided training to 342,623 operators in 86 countries.
The information taught in this program is applicable to both residential and commercial pool operators and is often required for employment with some companies.
Texas, New Mexico, Arkansas and other state and local health departments accept the CPO
® certification program for commercial pool operation.
Educational Leverage is now offering a 2-day live webinar for $355. The price includes all course materials.
The CPO Exam will be given at the end of the second day, and students who pass are given a certificate of completion.
Upcoming dates for this course are September 3, September 9, September 14, September 22 and September 29.
Registration is available at www.