Custom Molded Products is thrilled to announce the launch of the new online CMP Tech Support Portal.
So much work was put into this project with the goal of adding a cutting-edge field support resource for CMP customers.
In addition to providing immediate support to customers, the Tech Portal will help our team serve more customers, faster.
This new tool, located at c-m-p. com/tech, is completely web-based and currently in “beta” for testing and on-going improvements.
Any customer can access the portal at any time and on any device.
Even better, it was designed for mobile devices first so it behaves like an app on your phone. The portal also works on desktop and tablets.
Divided into four sections for quick navigation: New Installation, Repair, FAQ, Manuals.
The Installation and Repair areas break down instructions into an easy step-by-step process with visual aids. Some steps have video content. More video content and additional product lines are coming soon.
Visit to access the live portal. For questions or more information, contact CMP at – they welcome all feedback