Welcome to the latest edition of our popular “Can You Top This?” column, featuring the newest entry in the Service Industry News “Horror File. ”
This issue’s entry comes to us from Dwight Pauls, of Classic Pool & Spa, in Auburn, Washington.
“We went out to replace a fabric on an automatic pool cover and discovered a little surprise in the well underneath the mechanism,” writes Dwight.
“Someone had just run the cord for the 120 V pool light into the well; then sealed the conduit with goop so the water wouldn’t come up, and then attached the supply wire with wire nuts.”
“It was all lying underneath the mechanism where it could have been snagged by the fabric and pulled loose, exposing high-voltage wires. Maybe they thought by tying the wires in a knot that it could not come loose.Needless to say we disconnected the wiring and took it out.”
Thank heavens for service techs that know what they are doing! We appreciate pros like you Dwight.
Other publications like to print lots of pretty pictures of beautiful pools, spas and well engineered installations.
At Service Industry News, we would rather go behind the scenes and take a closer look at the type of stuff our readers encounter everyday — cracked tiles, tree roots, spaghetti plumbing, rats in the heater, cars in the pool and more!
When you are out in the field and you see something that doesn’t look right, send us an email along with a picture and a brief description: Attention Horror File,