• Fill the pool to its normal operating level. Many service pros ask customers to do this prior to arrival.
• Pump accumulated water off of solid covers and remove leaves and debris from the pool cover.Many service technicians use a leaf blower to help with this process.Remove the cover, and store after it has been cleaned, dried and neatly folded.
• Sweep the deck of the debris, and sweep away from the pool.
• Remove all winterizing plugs from the return lines, cleaner lines, skimmers and fittings.If antifreeze was used in winterizing, this should be removed and disposed of properly.
• Reinstallaccessory equipment such as ladders and diving boards.Be sure the ladder bumper and fulcrum pads are in place.
• Reinstall pump, motors, gauges, drain plugs, filters and heaters. Make sure that the equipment is clean and free of winter debris.Connect all ground and bonding wires.In the case of variable-speed pumps, check that the motor is rotating in the correct direction, which is a function of properly connecting two of the hot wires.
• Inspect the multi-port valve before installation.The spoke gasket may need to be replaced.Lubricate the diverter shaft and gasket with nonpetroleum grease and then reassemble.
• Using a leaf net, scoop out any surface and submerged leaves and debris in the pool.
• Brush the pool walls and floor.
• Prime the pump if necessary and start it.Add DE to the filter when the system is started for DE filters.
• Inspect the heater.To avoid a potential hazard, for a gas heater make sure the burner tray area is clean. Rodent droppings and dead insects tend to accumulate here.Start and test-fire the heater.Clean if necessary and reset the gas valve to the pilot position if the heater doesn’t have an on/off switch.
• Repair any system leaks or any other problems.
• If the water is clear, set the filter to run for 24 hours, and return the following day to obtain a water sample. Balance the water chemistry as needed.
• If the water is cloudy or green, adjust the pH and shock the pool. Allow the filter to run for 24 hours, and return the next day to backwash or clean the filter.Then, balance the water chemistry.
• Spas that are part of the pool’s installation should be opened using the same procedure as for the pool. For a standalone spa, drain the spa completely so that the surfaces can be cleaned thoroughly.
• Remove winterizing plugs and if antifreeze was used, it should be disposed of properly.Reinstall fittings and replace skimmer basket and weir.
• Reinstall the pump, motor, air blowers and heaters.Make sure to properly connect all ground wires.
• Add water too, then start the filtration system, adding DE if needed. Test and balance water chemistry and add sanitizer.
• Start the heater, ensure that it is operating properly, then set the thermostat to the desired setting.