feet, to help them walk out of the pool. Ducklings are not able to fly out of the water, nor can they step out from the pool’s tall ledge. The ducklings may drown if they become exhausted.
Try using decoys. Many people report success using floating pool toys for when the pool is not in use. But not just any toys. Get some that look like predators such as alligators, dolphins, sharks or snakes. Life-size scarecrow swans can be very useful deterrents because real swans are often aggressive with ducks. Better yet, find an alligator decoy that is designed to keep unwanted guests out of koi ponds because they tend to be more realistic. Many users have reported the Aquascape model, which features hinged sections that allow a natural looking movement, adds quite a bit to the decoys value as a deterrent.
Motion activated sprinklers are also useful for scaring off ducks and geese. When the sensor detects motion, it sends a burst of water in the direction its aimed.
An automatic pool cleaner of any sort may do the trick. Automatic pool cleaners mimic predators, and ducks are easily frightened, so installing an automatic pool cleaner that pops up every now and then might do the job. The swirling movements of the cleaner and sporadic breaching can be enough to startle the ducks away.
Buying an ultrasonic pet repellant could ward off waterfowl, and have the added benefit of discouraging other small animals from living around the pool area. These machines are relatively inexpensive and work by emitting high frequency sounds that humans cannot hear.
Some homeowners have had success stringing a white clothes line about 5 feet above the pool, and hanging CDs from the line. The horizontal lines confuse the birds, and the reflective nature of the CDs is an added dimension.
Any type of cover will probably work to deter the birds from nesting, but it might as well be a solar cover that also helps heat the water. The right cover will prevent them from getting in the water. Ensure that it fits well to prevent them from becoming trapped beneath the cover.
Purchase Mylar streamers, which are available in the crepe paper section at most party stores. Place three-foot high stakes in the ground at each corner of the pool, then stretch the Mylar from stake to stake across the pool to form an “X.” The flashing, uneven movement of the streamers normally frightens the birds away.
Don’t use fishing line or bird netting. Some people have reported success with running these products above the pool in a crisscross pattern to provide an overhead barrier.
However, because it is transparent or difficult to see, when a bird lands on it, it can become tangled and unable to fly. It could end up injuring itself or worse, drowning in the pool.