May is National Water Safety Month. Is your company active in water safety events?
If not, there are lots of ways to get started, and the PR for your business will be amazing. Last year, the onset of the Coronavirus pandemic made organizing many of these events impossible, but with more people getting vaccinated, states relaxing restrictions and children returning to school, it is increasingly possible to get actively involved in drowning prevention.
Whether you provide customers with informative water safety hand-outs, give out swim lesson vouchers or have a water safety table at a local event, it’s a great way to show that you are a concerned business member in your community, and that kind of recognition goes a long way.
There are many ways to get involved.
Contact nearby elementary schools and ask to speak with the principal about organizing a water safety and safe swimming assembly in preparation for summer vacation.
You can order safety materials to distribute through the National Drowning Prevention Alliance, the Pool and Hot Tub Alliance and local drowning coalitions.
Check with SafeKid programs in your area. They host safety events, conduct workshops in everything from schools to hospitals, advocate for effective legislation and distribute safety devises such as car seats, smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, flotation devices and more. Why not see if you can help?
Partner with your local drowning coalition. There are drowning prevention groups all over the country who organize events and fundraisers to teach drowning prevention strategies and provide free swim lessons.
Support the World’s Largest Swim Lesson (WLSL). This year, the event will take place on June 17, 2021.
A few examples of ways supporting organizations can help contribute are: sending out e-mails and e-newsletters encouraging your community to participate; posting news and information about the WLSL event on social media feeds; and of course, attending a WLSL event in your local market.
If you have access to an aquatic facility, you can register as a WLSL host location for just $79.
You could go really big and plan your own water safety event, independently or through IPSSA, FSPA, UPA or other benevolent associations.
Choose a venue such as a water park, a public pool, a library or your local YMCA.
Make a list of possible participants like fire and police departments, county health officials, lifeguards and other pool industry professionals. Use them to help get the word out.
Plan activities. Some ideas are: CPR demos, lifejacket try-ons, mock drowning and rescue and water safety story time.
To promote your event, contact local media outlets, make flyers and posters for local businesses, advertise on social media and send invitations to all your customers.
Whatever you decide to get involved with, why not get started now?