PoolRx™, from PoolRx Worldwide, of Irvine, Calif., quickly and easily eliminates existing algae and prevents it from returning for consistently clear water.
Chelated minerals in PoolRx work by freeing up low levels of chlorine to make it more productive. The minerals dissolve out of the unit immediately and completely to form a stable residual throughout the entire body of water. The minerals are rejuvenated as they pass over the PoolRx unit during circulation to allow them to last up to 6 months.
The minerals get used up through algae kill, backwashing, splash out and filter cleanings. When needed, PoolRx booster minerals can be added for a longer season, larger pools, extreme conditions or green pools. For best results, the PoolRx unit should be replaced at the beginning of each season.
PoolRx works well with chlorine, salt, UV or ozone systems and supports any size body of water, making it ideal for both residential and commercial pools and spas. To use, simply place PoolRx in the skimmer or pump basket and let it go to work.
For more information, contact PoolRx Worldwide, Inc., 1120 Via Callejon, San Clemente, CA 926736 Telephone 800-376-6579. Online www.poolrx.com.