Welcome to the latest edition of our popular “Can You Top This?” column, featuring the newest entry in the Service Industry News “Horror File. ”
This issue’s entry comes to us from Rick English, of Rick English Pools, and Javier Payan, of Payan Pools, in San Diego, California.
“Here is one for the books”, writes Rick.
“While inspecting a very old pool that had been extensively and professionally remodeled, there are two heaters with a common exhaust in a very well planned equipment vault. Above the vault, the exhaust was nowhere to be seen.
“Then someone told me that the masonry block fence above the vault was being used like a chimney.
“Sure enough, the wall and the air above the wall were warm. Was this ingenious or worrisome?”
“Yikes”, writes Javier, “Also no indoor draft hoods and man-made venting.”
Other publications like to print lots of pretty pictures of beautiful pools, spas and well engineered installations.
At Service Industry News, we would rather go behind the scenes and take a closer look at the type of stuff our readers encounter everyday — cracked tiles, tree roots, spaghetti plumbing, rats in the heater, cars in the pool and more!
When you are out in the field and you see something that doesn’t look right, send us an email along with a picture and a brief description: Attention Horror File,