A day in the life of a Florida public pool inspector
By Lauren Broom
Social media platforms that can be used by a pool service tech are plentiful. Despite this, many pool companies have struggled to make sense of social media for years.
While many may be aware of the power that social media can offer, in terms of advertising and networking, they may not be adept at making sense of the technology, and being able to get it to work optimally for their company.
While the business of pool service is pools, service companies do use Facebook and Instagram. Facebook allows the use of paid advertisements, but also the ability to join groups where networking can occur between similar type businesses or even customer based groups. Instagram is more about pictures, and pool companies can show off their “stuff” in a picture format to attract customers.
What are the benefits of using social media for the pool service tech to their business?
Social media like Facebook and Instagram can help many pool service techs with their business if they know how to use them. Even with social media, the old reliable “word of mouth” is a critical thing to have on your side, because it also works there. Word of mouth is everything on social media,” says KT Carr Max on Facebook. Max said that her business took off just after one year and without spending much on advertising. “I got 80% of my referrals from social media.”
Social media can provide an introduction of your company to your customers. It also helps with branding and general awareness. Melanie Reese says they use it periodically. “It is somewhere for our new customers to go and see who we are and what we do,” she says. Kristin Poppa-Rosel of Valley Pool & Spa says they have been using social media for years. “Social media has made it possible for us to reach people in our area who did not know we existed with very little advertising expense.”
Social media can be used to educate people and at the same time can bring in customers to your business. Poppa-Rosel says, “I offer weekly pool lessons for our customers. This seems to be a big help and has created a following.” The name of your company gets additional exposure for potential customers and also boosts the company’s online image.
If you are just using pictures, Instagram is a good platform. Companies post pictures of their “green to clean” pools and of the beautiful pools they have built or service.
Lauren Broom on Facebook promoting her podcast
“We have tons of followers,” says business owner Greifzu JL. “People walk up to us in stores, post pictures of projects and people love it.” David Striblin says he uses Facebook regularly. “I post pictures of my pools and people refer me to other people all of the time.” Companies should be creative in their pictures they post. The angle or how colorful the pictures are affects how potential customers see your business.
Facebook groups are another great option for pool techs to use, not only to further their own education, but also for the camaraderie that the groups bring, and for the potential customers.
There are many pool industry Facebook groups that pool techs enjoy every day where they can post pictures of their problems and get answers. The Facebook groups that will help bring in customers could include homeowner groups. As a pool tech, you can join these groups and participate as an educational partner. This can serve to publicize your business without causing potential customers to feel pressured by your advertising. In fact, they will feel you have provided information without any monetary gain.
Justin Dodson of Refreshing Pools & Spas says “Buy, sale and trade social media groups get you in front of a lot of people fast. I wouldn’t have a business without them.” Dodson prefers Facebook groups and says, “I don’t like paying for advertising.”
Facebook groups give the pool service tech a free platform from which to get potential referrals. So don’t rule out the Facebook groups from your social media repertoire.
What is the downside of social media for the pool tech?
Many pool techs question the benefits of social media. They find that word of mouth is the best way to grow their business. Kyle Panico says, “I’ve tried the social media approach, but when customers are looking for a pool service company, they generally ask a friend or a family member. Some also use the search engine, Google Local Services, and call those with the best ratings.”
Rodrigo Gutierrez says, “I have advertised a bit, but word of mouth has always worked better for me. ”
“Word of mouth” is the most universal and common method of advertising still used in the pool industry.
Positive verbal comments from one customer to another brings a lot of consumer confidence to your company.
It is often what brings in the most customers. It is more believable when one customer can actually explain why they have your company service their pool.
Another downside is that your competitors may post defamatory comments on sites that hurt your reputation.
There may be no evidence on social media to contradict their claims, and this can cause companies to lose business.
What other methods or options can be used for advertising your pool service business?
There are many options that a pool tech could use other than social media for advertising.
The main option is having a branded website for your company.
This provides presence on the internet and allows your company to be discovered by search engines and potential customers.
Internet search engines are very important in determining where your website ranks when customers search for your company. And tools like Google Adwords can boost a company’s visibility on search engines.
Pool techs may find that website development, search engine optimization, and internet search engine advertising are very complex tasks to learn.
Fortunately, there are a multitude of experts in the field, who can provide these services, freeing pool techs to concentrate on their day-to-day pool service business.
Lauren Broom’s CPO Facebook page, Facebook Ads, and coupons.