Rola-Chem, of St. Paul, Minn., offers a range of heavy duty chemical tanks and covers with plugs that are precision molded of high-density polyethylene polymer.
The heavy-duty tanks are translucent, allowing for a visual check of chemical level. They are highly resistant to corrosive solutions and are UV protected so solar rays will not damage chemicals.
The tanks are available in 5-, 15- 30- and 55-gallon sizes.
System tanks of the same heavy-duty construction are also available for convenient mounting to a Rola-Chem pump or tank. These tanks, available only in the 15-gallon size, include chemical refill and pick-up holes.
For more information, contact Rola-Chem, Dept. SI, 5858 Centerville Rd., St. Paul, MN 55127. Telephone 800-549-4473. Online
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