E-Z Products of Cave Creek, Ariz., a division of R. A. Brooks, Inc. offers a selection of 1688 Pool Plaster Repair Kits (counting different colors, types & sizes).
Types of Pool Plaster are White and Colored Plaster, Pebble Plaster (in Regular size or Mini size), Quartz Plaster, Glass Bead Plaster and Blended Plaster (blends of pebble, quartz and glass beads).
All kits are available in regular set (water must be lowered) and fast set (for underwater repairs or fast above water repairs). All kits are also available in 1 lb., 3 lb., 10 lb. and 50 lb.
.Since 1980 E-Z Patch repair products have been manufactured by a professional repairman and renovator with experience since 1970.
For more information, contact E-Z Products, Dept. SI, 32449 N. 66 St., Cave Creek, AZ 85331. Telephone 888-439-7282. Online: www.e-zpatch.com.
Hasa Inc., of Saugus, Calif., offers Hasa ECOSAFE Pool Enzyme and Phos Out Maintenance, a concentrated and robust swimming pool cleaner that effectively removes 80-90% of organic matter.
This product, reduces sanitizer use, keeps phosphate levels under control and is cost effective even for service usages.
ECO-SAFE Pool Enzyme and Phos Out Maintenance reduces phosphates and scum lines and improves water clarity. It is also swimmer friendly; the pool can be used immediately after the product is applied.
ECO-SAFE Pool Enzyme and Phos Out Maintenance is a non-lanthanum-based phosphate remover. One quart removes 750 ppb phosphates per 10,000 gallons of water.
For more information, contact Hasa Inc., Dept. SI, 23119 Drayton St. Saugus, CA 91350. Telephone 661259-5848.Online at www.hasapool.com.
Purity Pool’s terrific spot remover ‘The Out Spot’
The Out Spot from Purity Pool is a self-contained underwater spot remover that works for up to 20 minutes on a cup of acid. Quick and easy to set up and use.
No scrubbing necessary and the chemical action removes most stains and fresh rust spots in seconds;Replaces harsh stones; Protective of plaster; Soaker pad isolates acid from water.
For more information contact Purity Pool, Inc., Dept. SI, P.O. Box 160, Whitmore, California 96096. Phone 800-257-1961. Online www.puritypool.com.
The product descriptions appearing in Show ‘N Tell have been provided by the manufacturers. Service Industry News neither endorses nor warrants the information.
To include your company’s product or service information in an upcoming issue of Service Industry News, send product information & image to PR@serviceindustrynews.net.