In support of Senate Bill 222, the Florida Swimming Pool Association sent representatives to Tallahassee to meet with Senate staff and testify before the Senate Regulated Industries Committee.
On Nov. 2, Mike Canto and Tony Arredondo testified before the Florida Senate Regulated Industries Committee to explain how the subcontractor labor shortage is hurting the swimming pool and spa industry and that SB 222 will help ease the subcontractor labor shortage. After a brief discussion, the Senate Regulated Industries Committee unanimously passed SB 222 out of committee, moving the bill to it second policy committee in the Senate.
SB 222 would exempt Florida swimming pool and spa subcontractors from the currently required state or local licensing requirements, granting swimming pool contractors a similar exemption to the “Jim Walters Exemption” that allows general contractors to hire unlicensed subcontractors. According to FSPA, the swimming pool and spa industry has suffered from lack of subcontractor labor for a year. Passing SB 222 and the House of Representatives counterpart, HB 267, is a priority of the FSPA for the 2022 Legislative Session. They say allowing swimming pool and spa contractors to hire unlicensed subcontractors will help alleviate the severe subcontractor shortage and help grow the industry.
For questions about this bill or any other Florida government affairs matter, e-mail Dallas Thiesen, FSPA Government Affairs Manager, at