The Out Spot, from Purity Pool, Inc., of Whitmore, Calif., is a self-contained underwater spot remover that works for up to 20 minutes on a cup of acid. Developed by an experienced pool service professional, it is the easiest way to gently apply acid to stains in a controlled manner.
No lengthy set up is involved. Simply fill the reservoir, attach it to the base and lower the Out Spot to the stain.
The Out Spot works on the principle that acid is heavier than water, with the acid slowly diluting as it seeps through the soaker pad on the base.
No scrubbing is necessary; the tool does all the work.
Formoreinformation,contactPurityPool,Inc.,Dept. SI, P.O. Box 160, Whitmore, California 96096. Telephone 800-257-1961. Online