By Justin Reyes, Raypak
A system bypass is not just an add-on, but a critical feature Raypak recommends including with new residential or commercial pool/spa systems. A couple of the biggest heartaches in the industry today are downtime or replacing damaged equipment. More new pools are being built every year and consumers want them built fast while avoiding additional costs. Pools today are equipped with expensive heaters and sophisticated control systems but lack some critical quality of life features.
Keeping the cost down for customers can be difficult, and sometimes comes to the detriment of system features that will prolong the life span of the pool or equipment. In talking with other industry professionals, we’ve found that bypass systems and flow meters tend to be overlooked. When evaluating the investment of a pool or spa, adding in a bypass could potentially save your customers from premature equipment failure.
Including a system bypass can serve a few basic functions and help eliminate any potential heating equipment damage. The key function being the ability to isolate the pool from the heating equipment. In traditional startups, running the pump continuously can cut down the plaster curing time tremendously. The customer wants their pool completed and ready to use, so this is a big win for any pool builder/remodeler. However, this can have devastating effect from low pH water on the heat exchanger of the pool heater. In most cases the heat exchanger is damaged before it’s ever turned on.
Another great reason to isolate the heater from the pool system would be to make maintenance and winterizing much easier and more convenient to the pool professionals who manage these pools. When pool professionals need to get into the heat exchanger and check the health of the heater, a bypass saves a considerable amount of time. Additionally in areas prone to cold weather or freezing conditions, you want to make sure the heating equipment can be winterized at any time. Adding a by-pass system again can make this possible and eliminate heat exchanger damage. If you’re building a pool/ spa this year or replacing the existing heating equipment, we recommend using AVIA™, our next-gen pool and spa heater, with built-in Wi-Fi enabled controls. Through thoughtful innovation, we are bringing you and your customers an all-in-one solution that goes beyond just control-ling the temperature of your pool/ spa. As a pool and spa heater manufacturer, we continue to drive towards innovations that will improve the quality of our products and the experiences of our customers. The AVIA includes innovations, like ProTek Shield™ that protects the heat exchanger from galvanic corrosion. Our efforts in cooperation with you, the pool professional, will deliver the best pool and spa experience to the consumer.
Justin Reyes is a marketing specialist on pool and spa products for Raypak, Inc.