The Greg Garrett Scholarship Award grants a PHTA member in the builder or service sector $5,000 for PHTA educational or certification fees to increase professionalism and provide an opportunity for continuing education. This award recognizes an individual employed in the recreational water industry who shows extraordinary desire in furthering their career through education.
This scholarship is awarded by the PHTA Recreational Water Quality Committee (RWQC), in memory of a former member, Greg Garrett (pictured at right), who dedicated 45 years to the industry.
The application deadline for the Greg Garrett Scholarship Award is Friday, September 16.
To be considered for the Greg Garrett Scholarship Award, an application form and two recommendations need to be provided. PHTA members can self-nominate or nominate a fellow member. After receiving the scholarship, the recipient must provide a written report of what was learned and how that new knowledge will advance their career in the pool, spa, and hot tub industry.
For more information about the Greg Garrett Scholarship Award and to submit an application form, visit the PHTA website.
Or: membership/ promote- yourbu s ines s / ph ta- awards – o f excellence/greg-garrett- scholarship-award/.