The Western Pool and Spa Show, which took place March 23-25 in Long Beach, California, was a smashing success.
It bills itself as having an educational program unmatched in the country, and this year, show organizers ensured that the show lives up to its hype.
According to its website, the Western Show has the industry’s largest seminar schedule with classes for beginners to advanced, including water chemistry, equipment repair, electronic controls, heaters, business classes, Quik-Books, as well as money management ideas.
But special seminars this year, taught by experts affiliated with Pool Nation, made the show truly pop.
For example, Pool Nation’s Steve Barnes, the Director of Science and Compliance for Aquastar Pool Products, delivered a twopart hydraulics seminar that was truly enlightening. He walked his audience through the subject in a manner appealing to beginner service technicians, integrating foundational concepts with their applications in the field.
This lecture, and many more, are available on the new app that debuted at the Western Show, Pool Man University. The app is free, so anyone who missed the show, or was unable to attend these semi- nars, can simply download the app for access to these great lectures. And in addition to a tour-de-force seminar series, the app features informative documents on water chemistry, interviewing tips, rate increase letters for your customers, and a lot more.
Attendees said the turn-out at the show was great.
James Browning, of Browning Pool Service in Torrance, California, has been coming to the show since nearly the beginning, and he comes back year after year for the camaraderie, as well as the learning opportunities.
“Everyone seems to get along and have a great time,” Browning said.
As usual, the show ended with major prizes. Ten lucky winners were rewarded with robotic cleaners, topof- the-line heaters, pumps, filters, and one major cash prize.
Dustin Dubrall, co-owner of Tri City Pool Services in Simi Valley, was on his way out of the Long Beach Convention Center when he was notified that he was one of the 10 finalists. He walked away with $20,000 cash.
Wonderful to see the ol’ gang together again. These good folks were around from the very first Western Pool & Spa Show, 45-years ago. Peter Haverlation, Lionel Marlow, Mary Flynn, David Dickman, Eric Nielson, Dennis Rettela and Ivan Vance.