Take a look at POOLPAL”s website and you will surely be amazed by their huge pool and spa parts’inventory.
POOLPAL, of oldsmar, Fla., has everything from eyeball seat removers to vinyl liner concrete conversion return fittings.
Commonly referred to as white goods, POOLPAL USA has an unbelievable supply of extensions, fittings, plugs, adapters, valves and caps.
If you need pool light clamps or pool deck jet extensions, POOLPAL has you covered. The company also carries gutter grates, pop-up head extensions, main drain as well as light ring adapters, and hydrostatic flush mount pressure relief valves.
POOLPAL also provides for installation and troubleshooting videos on their website. This company is definitely worth looking into for supplies and parts.
For more information, contact POOLPAL USA 3128 Phoenix Avenue, Oldsmar, Florida 34677. Telephone 813-818-7079. Online at www.info@poolpalusa.com.