Welcome to the latest edition of our popular “Can You Top This?” column, featuring the newest entry in the Service Industry News “Horror File. ”
This issue’s entry comes to us from Kevin Misley of Mystic Pools in Park Ridge, NJ. Kevin sent us 5 really great pictures and to make room, we ran 2 in the November 1 edition and 3 in this edition.
“The pool itself was in disarray and certainly not compliant”, writes Kevin.
“The slide structure was not bonded per NEC and, a ratcheting binder attached to the assembly and then to a steel frame prevented it from falling into the pool.
“I contacted the owner and mentioned the issues saying I would not do anything with this pool unless I was allowed to make it safe, bringing it up to code. They were against my ideas. Nevertheless, I use these photos for a plumbing class I teach at “The Pool Show” in Atlantic City. There’s a good chance I’ll be teaching this year as well.
At Service Industry News, we would rather go behind the scenes and take a closer look at the type of stuff our readers encounter everyday — cracked tiles, spaghetti plumbing, rats in heaters, cars in the pool, snakes in the plumbing, and more!
When you are out in the field and you see something that doesn’t look right, send us an email along with a picture and a brief description: Attention Horror File,