Pure Enzymes for Spas is a monthly spa treatment for up to 500 gallons. Enzymes treat spa water filled with organics like sunscreen, sweat, urine, and debris from plants and trees. These organics put a high demand on chlorine, which means you must increasingly use more. Waters Choice Spa Enzymes will break down the organics in your water, freeing up the chlorine to do what it does best. This allows you to use less chlorine, which is so much better for you and your spa.
Start with clean filters. Then add 1 (12oz.) bottle per month, balance pH (7.2 – 7.8) & alkalinity (80 – 120) and maintain .5 -1 ppm chlorine. One – 12 oz. bottle of Pure Enzymes for Spas treats 500 gallons per month. This application is great for any spa.
For more information contact, Waters Choice, 8425 Vincent Street Boise Idaho 83709. Telephone 208-949-2800. Online at www.waterschoice.com