The all new SKiM360 floater utilizes a central float assembly to support and enable 360° rotational and directional movement around the surface of pools.
The SKiM360 floater stays centered at the waterline regardless of direction of travel – No lifting effort required! Pool Pros can finally give their arms, shoulders and back much needed relief. Helps avoid repetitive motion discomfort and injury from the surface skimming task. The high quality aluminum frame provides the same 18” opening in all directions with a durable blow-molded, high density polyethylene float.
The nylon netting, thick aluminum handle, tough HDPE edge and the removable aircraft grade aluminum float assembly guarantees a pro quality tool.
For more information contact, SKiM360 Products, 1652 Martin Road, Upper Building, Jamestown, NY 14701. Telephone 716-488-6109. Online at www.