NPC Start-up Technician Certification Class
new or newly plastered pool special start- procedures ensure plaster cures properly.
The Start-up Technician Certification a National Plasterers Council ( forth the proper protocol for a pool’s initial start- up. With program, the NPC has established industry’s standard for the startand care of plastered pools across globe. NPC Certified Technicians demonstrable industry knowledge hands start- for in-ground swimming and spas using the NPC-approved in the Certification Class.
Start-up is available as an class at the following events.
Tuesday,May 16, 2023 SpanishClass, Indio, California
– 5 pm https://www.npconline. o r g /e v e n t s / E v e n t D e t a i l s .
1733253& group= Wednesday, May 17, 2023 English Class, Indio, California 8 am – 5 pm Register: https://www.npconline. events/EventDetails. aspx? id=1733239& group= Online Start-up Class. No travel, no expenses!4- hour class at your home.
more information visit w . nationalplastererscouncil. com/npc-startup-technician-certificationonline- class/We also offer this as a 3-hour on demand class, with a test at the end of the presentation.
Cost is $225 for NPC members for non-members.
Register: page/ start-up-certification-class. .