Certified Pool & Spa Operator
The Certified certification program is the world’s leading education and certification keeping safer and open. Over 400,000 students trained since 1972. CPO certification provides individuals with the knowledge, techniques, and skills required for proper pool operations. available both a blended training completely virtual (completely and is also eligible for IACET Continuing Units (CEUs).
Certified Pool & Spa Maintenance Specialist
the pool industry working a pool maintenance course takes you through the Service Tech Manual and gives you need to conform to industry standards.
Certified Pool & Spa Service Technician
After completing this pool technician certification course, be able to: Explain common problemswith pool finishes and how them Keep pools running more efficiently with a better understanding of circulation, filtration, hydraulics, and electricity Grow your practical knowledge and gain troubleshooting skills and resources Distinguish yourself as an experienced and knowledgeable service technician
Certified Pool & Spa Service Professional
Earning a highly sought-after swimming pool certification is your ticket to marketing, business, and employment opportunities. The Certified Service Professional (CSP) certification shows as potential employers that the knowledge you apart from rest. This nationally recognized designation help raise confidence among customers increase your pool and spa manufacturers, distributors, groups.
CertifiedPool & Spa Hot Tub Technician
Hot Tub Technician program of servicing portable and permanently hot tubs and spas and equipment repair and
Certified Pool & Spa Inspector
Certified Pool & Spa Inspector™ (CPITM) creates foundation health officials pool operators spa inspections to support the assurance of a sanitary, healthy, and safe environment for staff and patronsof public swimming pools and spas.
Certified Builder Professional
The Certified Builder Professional is a nationally recognized designationthat will teach you how to become a pool contractor or builder who is well respected and sought after by customers and employees. Earning your Certified Builder Professional (CBP) certificationwill set you apart from colleagues and raise your industry visibility among manufacturers, distributors, and buying groups, ultimately making you and your organization more competitive.
Certified Advanced Pool Professional Certified Advanced Pool Builder Professional proficiency proper pool construction understanding CBP certification new PHTA Certified Pool Builder and Design Professional education and certification career pathway designed build on your foundation knowledge can become Master Pool Builder and Design Professional.
Pool Builder & Design Professional
Certified Expert Pool Builder & Design Professional rigorous knowledge as a well-rounded professional. Being knowledgeable you market your business, talk to consumers, design features into your plans. the third level ofcertification PHTA Builder and Design Professional become Certified
Pool Builder and Design Professional.
Pool Builder & Design Professional
Certified Master Builder Design Professional professional has demonstrated quality, professionalism, business Master CBP has completed and advanced construction. Master CBP is the fourth and highest level of certification in new PHTA Certified Pool Builder and Design Professional
upper echelon of
our industry.
Certified Pool & Spa Retail Professional
This online course will give you the skills and core business knowledge needed to effectively run a retail pool business. self-paced, interactive class is eight hours and costs $199 for members ($299 for nonmembers). No prior experience required!
PHTA certification represents excellence in achievement and demonstrates proficiency in the pool and hot tub professional. Certified professionals have completed rigorous testing and are required to commit to ongoing professional development and recertification. CPO certifications are valid for five years from the end of the month of issuance.AII other PHTA certifications (CMS, CST, CSP, CPI, CHTT, CRP, and Certified Pool Builder & Design Professionals) are valid for three years, ending on December 31 of the third year. For more information visit https ://www.phta. org/certification/