Welcome to the latest edition of our popular “Can You Top This?” column, featuring the newest entry in the Service Industry News “Horror File. ”
This issue’s entry comes to us from Bob Merichko of Quality Pool Service in Pittsburgh, PA.
“We put in a second set of cartridges and noticed they were smashed like the first set”, writes Bob.
“It was finally noticed that the DE filter had been replaced previously and the installer left the valve on and just connected the cartridge filter to the the old push pull valve.”
Thank you for sending this Bob. At Service Industry News, we would rather go behind the scenes and take a closer look at the type of stuff our readers encounter everyday — cracked tiles, spaghetti plumbing, rats in heaters, cars in the pool, snakes in the plumbing, and more!
When you are out in the field and you see something that doesn’t look right, send us an email along with a picture and a brief description: Attention Horror File,