Registration is open for the Southwest Pool and Spa Show, scheduled to take place from January 19-22, 2021, at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, in San Antonio, Texas.
The in-person event will take place on the historic River Walk, the No. 1 attraction in Texas, heart of San Antonio, and home of the Alamo.
It’s an event you won’t want to miss. Join like-minded pool and spa professionals for countless free industry sessions, networking opportunities, and a dazzling exhibit hall featuring all the top manufacturers, who are there to answer questions and demonstrate their latest products.
The Southwest Pool and Spa Show continues to offer one of the best and most comprehensive education programs in the industry. The conference education committee carefully selects the speakers and topics that are the most relevant and beneficial for today’s industry leaders.
There are also loads of paid certification courses, such as Genesis design and building courses, PHTA’s CPO course, NPC’s startup certification course, the Texas Residential Appliance Installer License (RAIL or TRAIL) course, the Pool Chemistry Training Institute course, and more.
Friday will include a free networking lunch, and the night will bring the Awards Gala and Welcome Party, which will showcase the most beautiful and creative pool and spa installations in the Southwest.
Registration is free for members of the Pool and Hot Tub Alliance, the Texas Pool and Spa Coalition, the Independent Pool and Spa Service Association, and Genesis, and includes access to the show floor, all food functions, free industry sessions, and the Awards Gala and Welcome Party. All other non-member pool and spa professionals pay a nominal price of only $45 to attend the fourday event.
Reserve your room at either of two beautiful and convenient hotels to choose from: The Marriott River Walk, located next to the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, and the Marriott Rivercenter, located a short walk to the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center.
Each hotel is offering a great discounted group rate of $179.00 single/double occupancy. Rooms are on a first-come, first-served basis, so make your plans now.