Mineral technology utilizes metal ions or colloids to kill microorganisms. Both copper and silver are commonly employed, with zinc added in some formulations.
Used as a disinfectant for centuries, copper is a biocidal tool that is effective against many types of algae. Copperbased products are believed to disrupt cell division and cause nutrient leakage from cell membranes. Silver-based products have the ability to interfere with DNA production that accelerates algae death. The silver ions also act as a bacteriastat, but the action is slow compared to the action of sanitizers such as chlorine or bromine Both copper and silver are not absorbed through the skin and so do not present a risk to swimmers. The EPA has approved of their use. With both copperand silver-based products, care should be taken to avoid metal staining.
While both copper and silver are recognized algicides, neither are oxidants and do not remove organic waste. This is the reason why a primary oxidant and disinfectant must still be used, even if at lowered levels.
The following are popular mineral technology choices within the pool and spa industry.
Blueray XL In 2017, Blueray XL was approved and registered by the California Environmental Protection Agency as the first multi-purpose copper/silver-based water modifier/adjuvant for swimming pools and hot tubs.
According to the EPA, adjuvants are chemicals added to a pesticide (e.g., chlorine/oxidizers in pool water) by users to improve the pesticide’s efficacy. Examples of other products registered as adjuvants for use in pools include; cyanuric acid (pool conditioner), hydrochloric acid (pH down) and “Green to Clean” by N.C Brands Not to be confused with EPAregistered pesticides/algicides, Blueray XL is a registered copper, silver, and zinc adjuvant for pools and spas. It contains a proprietary blend of minerals, cleaning agents, chelating agents, and sequestrants. It is designed to be used as a multi-purpose water modifier (adjuvant) to reduce Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD). As such, the product label makes no algicidal or bactericidal claims.
Blueray XL aids in removing anionic compounds through flocculation in the water and increases the rate of chemical reaction of pool and hot tub oxidizing agents. The formulation helps to burn off organic contamination. It is Ideal for “green to clear” treatments, cleans up dead algae, pollen, and other forms of non-living organic and inorganic water contamination for six months.
Blueray XL’s molecular composition is positively charged; therefore, it attracts negatively charged particles in the water. Negatively charged particles (contaminants) could be organic, inorganic, phosphates, etc. Most negatively charged particles bond with chlorine, breaking it down by oxidation processes happening between contaminants and free chlorine. When this oxidation process happens, chlorine is broken down, allowing less free chlorine to be available in the pool water; less chlorine means less oxidation of new contaminants introduced into the pool and less sanitation power.
How does Blueray XL solve the problem of low chlorine?
Blueray XL acts as a long-term non-filter-clogging mild flocculant. Its particles bond with these contaminants making a larger floc and precipitating it to the bottom of the pool to be easily suctioned by drains or vacuumed and trapped in the pool filter. By removing these contaminants into the pool filter and neutralizing them, the product allows the chlorine to be more effective in the water, therefore eliminating most water quality problems and significantly reducing chemical use and labor, especially brushing.
How does Blueray XL keep working for six-months?
The minerals detach from the contaminant-floc to continue working again and again. This is possible due to an ion-exchange process that occurs between the minerals in the water and the copper-silver alloy ionizer cylinder.
Blueray XL is a two-part product: It comes with a specially treated ionizer cylinder and a mineral formulation of copper, silver, and zinc. Minerals dissolve in the water and are re-ionized by the cylinder.
Blueray XL-Boosters (minerals only) are used to replenish the minerals in the water at the six-month mark and for larger pools.
Installation is easy; add the ionizer cylinder to the pump or skimmer basket and add minerals to the pump or skimmer basket and turn on the filtration system to dissolve the minerals into the pool or hot tub/Spa. Blueray XL is saltwater compatible, designed for any pool finish, includes stain inhibitors, and is premeasured for specific size pools and hot tubs/spas.
Blueray XL only sells directly to the trade (service companies, and noninternet resellers). Blueray XL’s goal is to dramatically reduce specialtyproduct overkill and save service companies money and labor through a sustained increase in overall chemical effectiveness.
For more information or test sample requests by pool companies, visit www. bluerayxl.com.
Frog products, by King Technology, are EPA-registered pesticides, capable of killing bacteria and algae in swimming pools and spas due to a two-part sanitation system that includes both minerals and chlorine.
The basic system involves silver chloride that is bonded to an inert mineral encased in a flow-through housing that is plumbed into the pool’s recirculation system. It looks like an inline chlorinator, but it feeds both minerals and low levels of chlorine into the pool water simultaneously. The chlorine output is controlled with a dial based on pool size and usage. As water flows through the system, silver ions are released.
Once the system is put into service, it is good for six months before it is necessary to replace the mineral reservoir.
The Frog brand now includes several configurations, some of which don’t require plumbing into the recirculation system. They have a device called Instant Frog that sits in the skimmer and imparts silver chloride ions while chlorine is added separately. They also have a device called Flippin Frog, which delivers both minerals and chlorine and flips upside down when the chlorine is depleted.
Nature2 is a patented, EPA-registered disinfection system that is effective against bacteria and algae and is intended to be used with an EPA-registered chlorine-based sanitizer. It is a mineral sanitizer that delivers sparkling clean pool and spa water that is pure, fresh, and gently soothing. Nature2 is proven to destroy bacteria and control algae without any of the harsh effects of traditional chemicals, so pool owners get the purest, cleanest swimming experience possible without the hassle.
It consists of copper sulfate and silver nitrate, and there are several configurations that pool techs can choose from.
In the simplest configuration, a cartridge containing the metal ions is dropped within the core of the pool’s existing cartridge filter elements. Chlorine is added separately.
The next basic configuration installs on the return side of the pool’s recirculation system. Chlorine is added separately.
More complex models include the mineral system combined with either a built-in chlorinator or an all-in-one salt water chlorine generator.
In any of the configurations, the metal ions are contained on a cartridge that is replaced every 6 months.
The EPA has approved this device as a registered disinfectant that must be used with chlorine or bromine. When using Nature2, the EPA has stated that chlorine use can be reduced by up to 50 percent.
For spas, Nature2 can be used for up to 4 months in combination with MPS (monopersulfate or potassium monopersulfate).
PoolRx is an EPA-registered algicide, a proprietary blend of minerals demonstrated to kill algae and bacteria continuously and effectively for up to 6 months, with at least 0.5 – 1.0 ppm of chlorine. Through this process, the PoolRx minerals allow chlorine to last longer in the water, therefore reducing the amount of chlorine that is needed to reach and maintain the desired parts per million target.
The minerals are packed in a specially treated alloy cylinder that is pool-size specific and are chelated at a molecular level to prevent pool staining. After the unit is placed in the pump basket or the skimmer, the minerals start dissolving in the water immediately, forming a stable residual. The minerals are rejuvenated as they pass over the cylinder during the water’s circulation process and are effective for up to 6 months.
PoolRx is useful for clearing up a green pool, reportedly capable of achieving green to clear within 24 to 72 hours. These minerals start dissolving immediately in the water, form a stable residual and continuously eliminate existing algae and bacteria (for “green to clear” the manufacturer recommends a minimum of 2 ppm chlorine). Once the pool is clear, and depending on the severity of the algae problem, the PoolRx minerals may last less than the normal 6 months because of loss due to algae kill, backwashing / filter cleaning. In this case, add PoolRx mineral boosters as needed to maintain an algae-free pool.
It's also ideal for salt pools. PoolRx improves the saltwater experience. The minerals reduce the salt chlorine production needed to keep a salt pool algae-free. Less salt chlorine production extends the life of the salt cell and reduces the amount of acid needed to balance the pH. PoolRx prolongs the life of equipment, saving money, and improves the quality of the water.
PoolRx+ is the company’s newest formulation and contains silver nitrate and zinc sulfate, which provide additional layers of protection against algae and bacteria mostly due to silver as an active ingredient, which is a well-documented antimicrobial that kills bacteria, fungi, and certain viruses.
Directions for use:
• Clean or backwash the filter before adding PoolRx, and remove all debris from the skimmer and pump basket.
• Place the PoolRx pool unit into the pump basket or skimmer. Ideally, place in pump basket for increased water flow.
• The PoolRx pool unit should be added to the pool when the pump has at least 3 to 4 hours left on run cycle. This will ensure the minerals completely dissolve out of the unit and through the filter into the pool.
• Pump should run during the heat of the day.
• The pool should turn over its total volume of water at least 1.5 times per day. Generally, this will require 6 to 8 hours of pump runtime depending on gallons of water and pump flow rate. Do not re-clean or backwash filter for at least 2 weeks after PoolRx pool unit is installed so the minerals can dissolve through the filter, whether it is a cartridge, D.E. or sand filter.
For more information, go online to www.poolrx.com.